Watch Celebrity Fit Club (US) Season 7 Episode 1

Watch Celebrity Fit Club (US) Season 7 Episode 1

Don't miss to watch this exclusive video because this is a brand new episode of Celebrity Fit Club (US) entitled "Episode 1".

So what will be the inside story of this show? what is the further story that will bring you more excitement about the show? Now here is the synopsis that will give you some insights or idea of the show:
A new all-star cast of celebrities, featuring Bobby Brown, Nicole Eggert, Kevin Federline,and in a shocking twist, Kevin's ex, and baby mama, Shar Jackson, arrive at CFC to experience the most brutal celebrity workout on television. Jay McCarroll (Project Runway) surprises himself by reaching new heights as Tanisha Thomas (Bad Girl's Club Season 2) gets up Drill Instructor Harvey's grill... big mistake. Plus, an emotional weigh-in ceremony reveals the extra pounds and emotional baggage the cast hopes to shed at Fit Club.

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