Obama's Administration planning to have a worldwide ban on fishing or Trade in Bluefin Tuna. There are Delegates from 175 nations will meet in Doha to determine whether to restrict trade in bluefin tuna. The 175 nations will take a vote of two-thirds of the members to impose a ban. They are hoping to preserve this kind of species the "Bluefin Tuna".
Read more information in nytimes.com :
"There is no doubt that the species is in desperate trouble. Stocks of Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin declined by more than 70 percent between 1957 and 2007, and by more than 60 percent in the last decade alone. Stocks in the Western Atlantic, including the United States, have stabilized but at a very low level. The decline has been driven by a growing global appetite for tuna, and by the rapid mechanization of industrial fishing, chiefly purse-seining operations that allow for the capture of entire schools of tuna at once".